Scout Patrol Flag with a Blue Phoenix Patrol Patch in the center of the flag design.
Your Scout Patrol Flag is customized with your Patrol's name, troop number, and city/state.
The Patrol flag is 20 in x 28 in; khaki color with sewn edges. Horizontal or Vertical orientation. Optional Grommets on corners for easy mounting.
See our Patrol Flag Page for details about grommet placement. Grommets add $3.
(B415 C)
The Webelos II (Arrow of Light) den got this flag to practice patrol method. The Pack number and patrol name are as requested!
Our Scouts just about flipped over how cool these Flags are! Great image, print & quality! Couldn't be happier!
The patrol flag looked great in the pictures, but is even more awesome in person. Only thing is that it did not have a way to attach it to a pole. My wife was able to sew some material to the flag to tie to a pole.