Scout Patrol Patch with an image of a Scorpion. Alternative Names for this scout patrol patch are: scorpion patrol patch, red scorpion patrol patch, stinger patrol patch
You definitely don't want to be near these fellows on a bad day, but the only place in the world safe from these guys is Antarctica! Be the first of your patrol to have this Official Licensed Scorpion Patrol patch.
Every scout patrol patch has a merrowed edge, plastic backing for sturdiness, and a 100% embroidery coverage background in khaki thread to match the border.
Patrol Patch Size: 2" diameter.
All current BSA rules and regulations have been applied.
Officially BSA Licensed and BSA approved uniform patrol patch for Scout BSA Patrols, girls or boys, boy scout patrols, and Webelos Dens.
(B923 C)
Better quality than I thought it would be. The boys are really excited by them.
I will definitely keep you guys in mind for future purchases.