Nights of Camping Patch. Camping award for completing 50 nights of camping. Great camping award for youth groups.
Patch shows a desert scene with a bighorn sheep and a campsite with the number 50 signifying 50 nights of camping. NOC stands for Nights of Camping. This award is for 50 nights of camping.
ClassB Scout Activity patches
• Always 100% embroidery.
• Include button loops so scouts can wear them immediately without sewing!
This camping award patch has a laser cut edge and a button loop.
Always award 50 and 100 NOC
Our troop hands out these NOC patches as a way to recognize milestones! The patches are well made and can be worn with the uniform.
Our troop needed a new way to recognize NOC for our scouts and the Scoutmaster found these patches in various increments. These are well made and also very beautiful!